Carol McAusland
Professor, Food and Resource Economics
MacMillan 337, 2357 Main Mall
University of Michigan, 1999, PhD, Economics
University of Michigan, 1996, MA, Economics
University of British Columbia, 1994, MA, Economics
University of British Columbia, 1993, BA, Hon. Economics
Dr. McAusland’s research focuses on interactions between globalization and public good provision. This includes the climate policy, invasive species, skilled-labour migration, trade liberalization, the World Trade Organisation, intellectual property rights, political economy, transport emissions, regulatory takings, and consumer-related environmental policy such as carbon footprint taxes and vehicle subsidies.
Graduate Students
Applying to work with Prof. McAusland
Prof. McAusland advises Masters and PhD students through the Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems MSc and PhD programs. She also co-supervises graduate students in the Vancouver School of Economics.
Students interested in applying to work with Prof. McAusland via the ISLFS program are advised to contact her via email, sending her the following: transcripts (unofficial copies are fine) and a 2-page proposal outlining the research they would like to conduct.
Dr. McAusland teaches at the undergraduate level and at the graduate level in the Master of Food and Resource Economics (MFRE) program.
- FRE 420 Economics of International Trade and the Environment
- FRE 460 Economics of Food Consumption
- FRE 502 Food Market Analysis
See Google Scholar for a full list of publications.
McAusland, Carol. "Carbon taxes and footprint leakage: Spoilsport effects." Journal of Public Economics 204 (2021): 104531.
Epanchin-Niell, Rebecca, et al. "Biological invasions and international trade: Managing a moving target." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 15.1 (2021): 180-190.
Gulati, Sumeet, Carol McAusland, and James M Sallee. 2017. “Tax incidence with endogenous quality and costly bargaining: Theory and evidence from hybrid vehicle subsidies,” Journal of Public Economics 155: 93-107.
McAusland, Carol and Nouri Najjar. 2015. “Carbon footprint taxes,” Environmental and resource Economics 61:37-70.
McAusland, Carol and Nouri Najjar. 2014. “The WTO Constitency of Carbon Footprint Taxes,” Geo. J. Int'l L. 46:765.
McAusland, Carol and Daniel L Millimet. 2013. “Do national borders matter? Intranational trade, international trade, and the environment,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 65:411-437.
Aisbett, Emma and Carol McAusland. 2013, "Firm Characteristics and Influence on Government Rule-Making: Theory and Evidence,” European Journal of Political Economy 29: 214-235.
Dr. McAusland is Professor of Food and Resource Economics in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
She served as Chair (incoming/current/outgoing) of the Canadian Resource and Environmental Economics Association from 2018-2021 and as an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2007-2009). She was a co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2009-2012) and has served on the editorial board/council of Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2006-2009, 2012-2015) and the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2014-2020)
She is a Fellow of the CESifo Research Network and the University of Calgary's School of Public Policy. Dr. McAusland has published research on a wide range of subjects in the fields of environmental and international economics, including environmental politics, migration, investment treaties, carbon policy design, brain drain, invasive species, and WTO rules regarding environmentally motivated trade restrictions.
Tagged with: Faculty, Food and Resource Economics, Integrated Studies