Juli Carrillo
Associate Professor, Applied Biology
MCML 333
Please see Google Scholar for a full list of publications.
Wu, H., Carrillo, J., and J. Ding. (2017) Species diversity and environments determinants of aquatic and terrestrial communities invaded by Alternanthera philoxeroides, Science of the Total Environment, 581-582:666-675.
Carrillo, J. and E. Siemann. (2016) A native plant competitor mediates the impact of above- and belowground damage on an invasive tree, Ecological Applications, 26(7):2060-2071.
Wu, H., Carrillo, J., and J. Ding. (2016) Invasion by alligator weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides, is associated with decreased species diversity across the latitudinal gradient in China, Journal of Plant Ecology, 9(3):311-319.
Kaplan, I., Carrillo, J., Garvey, M. and P. Ode. (2016) Indirect plant-parasitoid interactions mediated by changes in herbivore physiology, Current Opinion in Insect Science, 14:112-119.
Tagged with: Applied Biology, Faculty, Integrated Studies, Plant Science, Sustainable Agriculture and Environment