Tim Lau
Dietetics Program, Student Award Recipient
Brittany Myhal
Masters of Land and Water Systems, Student Award Recipient
Allison Li
Masters of Food and Resource Economics, Student Award Recipient
Akshaya Akshu
Masters of Food Science, Student Award Recipient
Monicah Namu
Masters of Food Science, UBC Mastercard Foundation Scholar
Learning through the grapevine
Every summer, students from UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan ditch their classrooms to come together at various B.C. vineyards in an one-of-a-kind field course.
Natural biodiversity protects rural farmers’ incomes from tropical weather shocks
The study found that farmers in areas with greater biodiversity took less of an income hit from droughts than their peers who farmed amid less biodiversity.
Thinking small in the face of climate change
Juli Carrillo and Cara Haney are looking to some of Earth’s smallest organisms to help plants adapt to rising carbon dioxide (CO₂) levels.
Mahsa Jessri
New faculty profile: Mahsa Jessri Mahsa Jessri is a new Assistant Professor in the Food, Nutrition and Health Program where she leads the Nutritional Epidemiology for Population Health research group. She works at the unique intersection of nutritional sciences, and population and public health. Her goal is to help shape nutritional guidelines and policy decisions […]
Derek Dee
New faculty profile: Derek Dee Derek Dee joined the Faculty of Land and Food Systems in January 2019 as an Assistant Professor in Food Science. His research focuses on understanding protein structure and function, and its potential applications in food, biomaterials and medicine. Dee’s research is an unusual combination of food science and biophysics. His […]