Sumeet Gulati
Dr. Gulati’s research focuses on questions related to the formation and effectiveness of environmental policies.
Blue & Gold Campaign for Students
Blue & Gold Campaign for Students: Supporting Local and Global Students UBC launched the Blue & Gold Campaign for Students with the goal of raising $100 million over three years to support students. Those who give to the Blue & Gold Campaign provide promising students access to a life-changing education — and perhaps more importantly […]
Milestones In this section: Awards Hires Retirements Awards Maja Krzic Receives Award for Excellence in Open Education Associate Professor Maja Krzic has been leading a transformation in online soil science education. She won an Award for Excellence for establishing the Virtual Soil Science Learning Resources (VSSLR) group which involves 30 Canadian soil scientists, media developers, […]
Kelleen Wiseman to Lead Master of Food and Resource Economics Program
Kelleen Wiseman to Lead Master of Food and Resource Economics Program Kelleen Wiseman is the newly appointed Academic Director and Manager of the Master of Food and Resource Economics (MFRE) program. With over 15 years of teaching and mentorship experience with LFS and other UBC faculties, and recognition in 2018 through a UBC Killam Teaching […]
Connecting Communities Through the Culture of the Hive
Connecting Communities Through the Culture of the Hive Sarah Common (BSc Global Resource Systems 2009) is the co-founder of Hives for Humanity, a non-profit society, based in Vancouver ( The organization works to connect people to nature, their community and to themselves, through apiculture (more commonly known as beekeeping). What drew you to the Global […]
Applied Biology Undergrad Makes the Case for Grooming Brushes in Barns
Applied Biology Undergrad Makes the Case for Grooming Brushes in Barns That urge you get to scratch an itch? It turns out dairy cows have it too. At the UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre in Agassiz, B.C. (, Emilie McConnachie (BSc Applied Biology 2018), designed and conducted a study that investigated dairy cows’ motivation […]
Patricia Hingston, Instructor
Patricia Hingston, Instructor When she was younger, Patricia Hingston thought she would become a dentist but her interest in microbiology unexpectedly led her down a different path – and into food sciences. She officially joined Land and Food Systems on July 1 as an Instructor, where she teaches food microbiology and oversees third- and fourth-year […]
Making a Community Impact at the Greater Vancouver Food Bank
Making a Community Impact at the Greater Vancouver Food Bank In an era of using data to gather business intelligence, an alumnus from Land and Food Systems is making a difference at the Greater Vancouver Food Bank. Kevin Elsaputra (MFRE 2016) is the organization’s first-ever data analyst. Elsaputra made a major impact on operations: he […]
Ambassadors for Elephants
Ambassadors for Elephants This past August, four UBC undergraduate students took part in a new field study program on Asian Elephant Compassionate Conservation in Thailand (LFS 302D). The goal of the program was to explore how the science of animal well-being can be used in conservation to improve outcomes for animals, people and the environment. […]
Feeding Growth Dishes Out Ideas for Growing Young B.C. Food Businesses
Feeding Growth Dishes Out Ideas for Growing Young B.C. Food Businesses Earnest Ice Cream, Spread ‘Em Kitchen, and Nuba have something in common. They all received help scaling their businesses through workshops offered by Feeding Growth. Launched in 2015, Feeding Growth has helped more than 300 food entrepreneurs grow their sustainable food businesses. It’s where […]