Tavaella Gozali
About NameTavaella GozaliPronounsShe / HerDegreeBachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and HealthMajorDouble Major Food & Nutritional Sciences Year3HometownJakarta, IndonesiaTransferred from:UBC Faculty of Arts Tavaella Gozali is an undergraduate student in the Food, Nutrition and Health program. She transferred from the UBC Faculty of Arts to the UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems (LFS) to pursue a […]
Ashley Jang
About DegreeMajorHometown
Angela Geng
About DegreeUndergraduate DegreeHometown
Developing Economic Policy at the University of Indonesia
Chang Che earned his Bachelor of Science in Food and Resource Economics in 2024. His goal while in the program was to work in public policy. In 2023, he travelled to Indonesia with a small cohort of UBC students to take part in Go Global’s LFS 303: International Field Studies in Policy Analysis for Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Caroline Baldwin
After finishing my undergraduate degree in Dietetics, I hope to do graduate research that contributes to the world’s collective understanding of human nutrition.
Kynzie Wagar
I have always had a love of animals and science! After finishing my undergraduate degree in Applied Animal Biology, I hope to go to veterinary school.
Ayasha Santoso
I greatly value how nutrition influences our life choices and hope to pursue a healthcare career that involves strengthening the health and well-being of others.
Sofia Faugno
I hope to become a Dietitian to create an environment that supports inclusion and equity for all people, and to help them develop positive relationships with food.
Sasha Dobisz Class of 2023
Class of 2023: Sasha Dobisz (BSc Food and Resource Economics) How did you hear about LFS at UBC? I heard about LFS from a friend who started at UBC one year before I began applying to universities. I was looking for a program that combined my interests in science with business and economics, and they […]
Meghan Lok Class of 2023
Class of 2023: Meghan Lok (BSc Applied Biology) Major in Applied Animal Biology How did you hear about LFS at UBC? I actually entered UBC as a Science undergraduate intending to major in general Biology. While I knew what I did not want to do at this point, I was not provided with the environment, […]