JT Cornelis awarded a UBC Killam Accelerator Research Fellowship
Soil scientist Dr. Jean-Thomas Cornelis has received a Killam Accelerator Research Fellowship for his work on ecosystem resilience and Indigenous-led land stewardship.
Researching For Positive Change
Growing up in small-town Minnesota might seem like an unlikely backstory for a future of immersive fieldwork in Mexico, Uganda and beyond. But for applied economist Erin Litzow (PhD ISLFS 2024)—a recently appointed University of Texas at Dallas Assistant Professor of Sustainability—one factor focused her young mind on thinking deeply about the world far away from her Midwestern home.
Insect-Inspired Udon Noodles
Three students in the Food, Nutrition and Health program designed a new product that would hit all three marks, plus one more—they wanted a new product that would also speak to their Asian heritage.
Major New Study Study Targets Methane Emissions
The project, a multidisciplinary collaboration between major institutions and researchers throughout Canada, aims to understand the complexities of methane-generating processes in the rumen microbiome of beef and dairy cattle—while also developing novel technologies and management strategies to make these processes as efficient as possible at inhibiting emissions.
From cattle emissions to carbon sinks: agricultural research receives major funding
Two new projects led by LFS aim to reduce the carbon footprint of agriculture in novel ways. The two projects received funding valued at more than $14 million.
New research funding to support farmers in climate adaptation
New funding will examine how agroecological networks can promote perennialization of agriculture for vulnerable farming communities in Canada, Germany, India and Brazil.
Solutions to Supply Chain Challenges
Social media during the pandemic broadcast countless images of empty grocery store shelves, often fuelling panic buying among shoppers. But according to Dr. James Vercammen, supply systems held up well throughout this uniquely demanding time.
Studying Pollinators on the Frontlines of Resiliency
For Associate Professor Risa Sargent, lead researcher in the Plant Pollinator and Global Change Lab (PPGC), many of the world’s smallest and most vulnerable critters are on the frontlines of some of our biggest and most pressing resiliency challenges.
Digging Deep on Resiliency Challenges
Assistant Professor Dr. Jean-Thomas Cornelis spends a lot of time getting his hands dirty. But when your research focuses on understanding the intricate micro-scale soil processes that underpin macrosized ecosystems, grubby fingernails at the end of the day are a standard occupational hazard.
Sowing the Seeds for Resilient Production Systems
While Dr. Andrew Riseman takes a lengthy view of the research topics he tackles at the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm (CSFS), many of the real world challenges in his field are arising more often and becoming more dramatic.