
Patricia Angeles Class of 2023

Class of 2023: Patricia Angeles (BSc Food, Nutrition and Health) Major in Food, Nutrition and Health What challenges did you encounter while being a student and how did you overcome them? One challenge that I encountered as a student was trying to manage my time, especially since I had a long commute to campus from […]

Lian Boltwood Class of 2023

Class of 2023: Lian Boltwood (BSc Global Resource Systems) How did LFS match your personal and/or professional interests? In 2018, I actually applied to UBC and was admitted through the UBC School of Engineering. However, upon discovering LFS, I felt a stronger sense of connection with the focus of study. Having developed a passion for […]

Christopher Mulya Class of 2023

Class of 2023: Christopher Mulya (BSc Food, Nutrition and Health) Major in Food Science How did LFS match your personal and/or professional interests? LFS provided a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the complex interactions between land, food, society, and the environment. As someone who is passionate about food and nutrition, LFS offered an opportunity to delve […]

Julia Taylor, Class of 2023

Class of 2023: Julia Taylor (BSc Global Resource Systems) How did LFS match your personal and/or professional interests? This Faculty, and my program especially, gave me the chance to develop existing interests as well as discover new ones through the course of my winding journey of exploring courses and changing my mind a million times […]

LFS Community Connects: March 2023

The UBC Food and Beverage Innovation Centre breaks ground on March 3, 2023, welcoming industry and alumni to the celebration.

LFS Community Connects

Dear UBC LFS Alumni, Earlier this summer we celebrated the most recent group of graduates joining our Faculty of Land and Food Systems alumni community. Dean Rickey Yada hosted a lively virtual reception, congratulating our new alumni as they go on their next adventure. As the end of summer nears, we look forward to staying […]

Deans Message for LFS Community Connects: July 2021

As UBC campus attractions are open this summer, I invite those of you in the Lower Mainland – and those of you who may in town this summer – to come by and visit!

GradUpdate – In this issue, Syllabus and Course Design with Inclusion in Mind, Abstract Writing, Exploring Zoom, Visualization with R, DIY Media Series, and more!

GradUpdate In this issue, Syllabus and Course Design with Inclusion in Mind, Abstract Writing, Exploring Zoom, Visualization with R, DIY Media Series, and more! Events and Opportunities The following highlights some upcoming events. Please find more on community.grad.ubc.ca and grad.ubc.ca/current-students/professional-development ACADEMIC SUPPORT AND SUCCESS Final Thesis Formatting Workshop Recording available until Aug 31 Access here Equity and inclusion in […]