In UBC’s Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology, you will explore the real-world application of the life sciences to the management of land, animals and food production. Applied Biology at the Faculty of Land and Food Systems is different from other biological sciences programs: you can customize it to learn about what’s most interesting to you. The program is built around practical learning experiences, critical thinking, and a systems approach that integrates technical knowledge with sustainability and ethics. You’ll graduate with the skills and knowledge to take a leadership role in sustainable food production and the responsible use of land, water and animals.
Majors Offered
Explore the majors offered in the Applied Biology program at UBC. For each major, you’ll find a brief summary of what’s involved, some courses you might take, career possibilities, and links to alumni who have built careers with their Applied Biology degree.
Meet the Instructors

Yasmin Akhtar
Sessional Lecturer, Applied Biology

Amelia MacRae
Lecturer, Applied Biology

Tabitha Robin
Assistant Professor, Applied Biology

Andrea Frommel
Assistant Professor, Applied Biology and Chair in Sustainable Aquaculture

Jean-Thomas Cornelis
Associate Professor, Applied Biology (Soil Science)

Thorsten Knipfer
Assistant Professor, Applied Biology (Plant Physiology)

Risa Sargent
Associate Professor, Applied Biology

DeLisa Lewis
Lecturer, Applied Biology

Alexandra Protopopova
Associate Professor, Applied Biology (Animal Welfare Program)

Andrew Riseman
Associate Professor, Applied Biology and Plant Breeding

Sean Smukler
Associate Professor, Applied Biology & Soil Science and Director of the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm

Maja Krzic
Professor, Applied Biology/Forest and Conservation Sciences

Marina von Keyserlingk
Professor, Applied Biology (Animal Welfare Program), and Director, UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre
NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Animal Welfare

Kristen Walker
Associate Professor of Teaching, Applied Biology

Daniel Weary
Professor, Applied Biology
NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Animal Welfare

Julie Wilson
Lecturer, Applied Biology

Eduardo Jovel
Associate Professor, Applied Biology

Sue Grayston
Professor, Applied Biology (joint appointment with Forestry)

Christopher Chanway
Professor, Applied Biology (appointed jointly with UBC Forestry)

Ronaldo Cerri
Professor, Applied Biology

Simone Castellarin
Associate Dean, Research
Professor, Applied Biology
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Viticulture
Associate Director, Wine Research Centre

Juli Carrillo
Associate Professor, Applied Biology

Sandra Brown
Associate Professor of Teaching, Applied Biology

Andrew Black
Professor, Applied Biology
Meet Our Community

Oceania Kreutzer
Masters of Science in Applied Biology
Honours Applied Animal Biology
LFS has provided me with more opportunities and support than I could have initially imagined.

Afnan Ali
Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology
Applied Animal Biology
My program has a lot of flexibility, and provides a variety of possible career options and opportunities.

Cara LeGault
Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology
Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
LFS is full of inspiration. It’s around every corner and impossible to miss.