UBC’s Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Health spans the continuum from the production and processing of food to its marketing, consumption, and impact on community and individual health. Within the Food, Nutrition and Health program, you can choose your major to align with your interests and professional goals. Hands-on practical learning, opportunities to connect with industry professionals and collaborative problem-solving are just some of the real-world competencies you’ll develop. Earn a professional designation, build a foundation for medical or graduate studies, or prepare for a career in global food markets — all of it is possible in Food, Nutrition and Health.
Majors Offered
Explore the majors offered in the Food, Nutrition and Health program at UBC. For each major, you’ll find a brief summary of what’s involved, some courses you might take as part of your studies, career possibilities for when you graduate, and links to alumni who are using their Food, Nutrition and Health degree in their careers.
Meet the Instructors in Food, Nutrition and Health

James McKendry
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Healthy Aging
Investigator, Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging

Duff Roberts
Lecturer, Food, Nutrition and Health (joint appointment with Forestry)

Jay Martiniuk
Lecturer, Food, Nutrition and Health

Anna Brisco
Lecturer, Food, Nutrition and Health (Dietetics)

Gerry Kasten
Lecturer, Food, Nutrition and Health (Dietetics)

Tamara Cohen
Director of Dietetics
Assistant Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health

Mahsa Jessri
Assistant Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health
Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR)
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Nutritional Epidemiology for Population Health

Patricia Hingston
Assistant Professor of Teaching in Food, Nutrition and Health

Vivien Measday
Associate Professor, Wine Research Centre
Associate Member – Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Associate Member – Michael Smith Laboratories, Genomics Group

Siyun Wang
Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health (Food Safety Engineering)

Azita Madadi-Noei
Lecturer, Food, Nutrition and Health & Academic Advisor, Master of Food Science (MFS) Program

Candice Rideout
Professor of Teaching, Food, Nutrition and Health

Anubhav Pratap-Singh
Associate Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health (Food Processing)

Barbara Stefanska
Associate Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health

Yvonne Lamers
Associate Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health

Crystal Karakochuk
Associate Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Micronutrients and Human Health

Kelleen Wiseman
Master of Food and Resource Economics (MFRE) Academic Director

Gail Hammond
Associate Professor of Teaching in Food, Nutrition and Health

John Frostad
Associate Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering (joint appointment with Chemical and Biological Engineering)

Jennifer Black
Associate Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health

Zhaoming Xu
Associate Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health

David Kitts
Professor, Food, Nutrition and Health (Food Science) and Dean pro tem
Meet Our Community

Caroline Baldwin
Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition & Health
After finishing my undergraduate degree in Dietetics, I hope to do graduate research that contributes to the world's collective understanding of human nutrition.

Ayasha Santoso
Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition & Health
Nutritional Sciences
I greatly value how nutrition influences our life choices and hope to pursue a healthcare career that involves strengthening the health and well-being of others.

Sofia Faugno
Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition & Health
I hope to become a Dietitian to create an environment that supports inclusion and equity for all people, and to help them develop positive relationships with food.