Flavour of the Month: Boba Green Milk Tea
Flavour of the Month: Boba Green Milk Tea We asked James Wang, LFS Development Officer to share his end of the summer season with a special indulgence: “I’m a big fan of green tea matched with cream, tapioca, and regular sugar. What makes this one stand out is the use of a teaspresso machine to […]

Editing Human Genetics? Gene Engineering Research at Stanford
Janella Schwab is an alumna of the Applied Biology program and is now pursuing a PhD in Bioengineering at Stanford University. Janella speaks about the unconventional route she took in LFS, and how it led her to discover the world of bioengineering.

Advancing Livestock Health in Ghana: Veterinarians Without Borders
Marley Blok is an alumna of the Applied Biology program and currently volunteers with Veterinarians Without Borders in their Volunteers Engaged in Gender-Responsive Technical Solutions Program, or VETS for short. Working with local Ghanaian organizations, Blok's goal is to create sustainable socioeconomic change in rural communities through improving health in animal production systems.

Early Career Investigator Award
Dr. Tianxi Yang wins an Applied Sciences Early Career Investigator Award for her research that brings high-tech analysis and tools to agri-food.

Student Spotlight: Jennifer Appiah
Meet Jennifer Appiah, our student spotlight! Jennifer is a 2022 recipient of the Freybe Award in Nutrition and Dietetics and is currently completing her first year as part of UBC’s Master of Nutrition and Dietetics’ first ever cohort.

Identifying Plant Stress and Insect Damage in Greenhouses
Meet Daniel Bateson, an APBI alumni who works in horticulture.

In Memoriam: Margaret Arcus
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Professor Emerita Dr. Margaret Arcus on June 27, 2023.

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!
Cheers to the Class of 2023! Congratulations on all your hard work and accomplishments - we know it's only the beginning!

UBC launches training course on Indigenous understanding for faculty and staff
A new course to set a baseline understanding of Indigenous matters among UBC faculty and staff is officially launching on National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21).

2 Million Subscribers, a Published Book, and an LFS Degree!
Meet Pailin Chongchitnant, a chef, author, and YouTuber who has recently published her second cookbook!