Watch Now! Webinar: How Research and Innovation Drive the Food Industry
The food industry moves at the speed of innovation. Every year, innovations in food processing are providing us with more food products that extend shelf life, increase nutrient density, provide greater safety for consumers, and help companies stay ahead of trends – while also creating healthier alternatives and a reduced environmental footprint.
Watch the video above to learn more about food innovation at UBC and how industry partners work with our researchers to move BC forward. Hear from UBC researchers Dr. Anubhav Pratap-Singh and Dr. Siyun Wang, along with industry partners, on how they collaborate to create innovative products. The UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems is home to food, nutrition and health research with several clinical labs, a sensory lab, a culinary lab and a food-grade pilot plant facility, which includes equipment specifically for food engineering/processing experiments.
Presented in partnership with alumniUBC
Host and Moderator
Dr. Rickey Yada, BSc (Agr) ’77, MSc ’80, PhD ’84– Dean and Professor, UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Dr. David Kitts, BSc (Agr) ’74, MSc ’76, PhD ’81 – Associate Dean, Research & Professor, Food Science
Dr. Anubhav Pratap-Singh – Food & Beverage Innovation Professorship & Assistant Professor, Food Processing
Dr. Siyun Wang – Associate Professor, Food Safety Engineering
Paul Wong, BSc (Agr) ’79 – Vice President R&D and Operations, Daiya Foods
Carmen Wakeling – CEO & Co-Owner, Eatmore Sprouts & Greens Ltd.